Stacy works at finding just the right balance of hormones for you. We recognize that everyone is uniquely different. She will obtain baseline levels and proceed accordingly. Everyone responds differently at different levels, but there is an optimal level for you. Her commitment is to work with you to find that optimal level. Stacy works closely with numerous compounding pharmacies and there are a multitude of different delivery systems. After meeting with you we will determine the best system for you.
Bio-identical hormones have a molecular structure that is identical to hormones that are naturally produced by the human body, and are intended to replace these hormones when their levels decline due to aging, disease, stress, medications, or surgery. Hormones conduct the language of cells. Our bodies have over 60 trillion cells with each needing to communicate with one another.
Hormones are the chemical messengers that travel through our blood stream, enter cells by unlocking a door called a receptor, and flip the switches that govern growth, development, and mental and physical functioning. The exact chemical structure of the body’s hormones is incredibly important, because in order for hormone therapy to fully replicate the normal functioning present in the human body it must match the original structure of that hormone exactly.
Bio-Identical hormones have the same chemical structure as the hormones made by the human body. Structural differences exist between bio-identical hormones and those available commercially, which are typically synthetic (i.e. esterified estrogens, medroxyprogesterone) or animal derived (i.e. conjugated equine estrogens). In order to be patented, synthetic hormones have side chains added to a natural substance. Synthetic hormones are not found in humans, and are not identical in structure or function to the bio-identical hormones they are intended to replace.
Our hormones play a major role in how fast we age. The action of the various hormones is very complex. In part they act to advance the life cycle according to the biological plan. Alternatively, they may go haywire, promoting disease states associated with the aging process.
It is clear that excess estrogen, when unopposed or unbalanced by progesterone, is not something wholly to be desired. It becomes clear that many of estrogen’s undesirable side effects are effectively prevented by progesterone. I would propose that a new syndrome be recognized: That of estrogen dominance. This syndrome, with symptoms familiar to most women, commonly occurs in the following situations:
When we talk of hormones and women, most of us think of estrogen and a few more will also include progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone are closely interrelated in many ways. In a normal functioning premenopausal woman, estrogen is made from progesterone and/or androgens within the cells of the body. After menopause, estrogens are converted from adrenal produced androgens (DHEA), primarily in body fat. Estrogen and progesterone are, in many ways, antagonistic; yet each sensitizes receptors for the other. A key to hormone balance is the knowledge that when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient, the estrogen becomes toxic to the body; thus progesterone has a balancing or mitigating effect on estrogen.
Estrogen is responsible for the maturation of young women at puberty. Estrogen causes the accumulation of fat that gives the female body its contours, but in excess or when it is not in balance with progesterone, can contribute to excess fat accumulation.
1062 E Riverside Dr Suite 203 St George UT 84790
Phone: 435-574-8014
FAX: 877-518-1582
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